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My Interview

I had interview interviewed Katelyn Hemmer. this had been the first interview I had done. I found it to be surprisingly difficult to come up with interview questions. I had initially found it best to just keep the interview rolling smoothly without it stalling while I thought of questions to ask. if there was one thing I could change during the interview that would be to make sure the interviewee restates the question during their answer so the audience understands what is going on during the interview. During the editing process, I had learned the hard way why to do all the color corrections before chopping up the footage. Through the editing process I found repeating many of the repetitive tasks such as chopping up the footage slow and grueling but was able to work through. Also in this editing, this had been my first use of B-roll and color correction which I had been able to experiment with.

Being interviewed

This had been my first time being interviewed. At first many of my responses took me a few moments for me to prepare what to say but pretty quickly I got into the swing of the interview. While on camera I had found it somewhat difficult to align myself with the camera and the interviewer. It ended up being kind of fun but it took some getting used to being on camera.

Filming an Interview

Filming the interview had been the easiest part of the process. All I really had to do was dial in the camera and lighting before filming and trying not to interfere with the interview during filming. I had expected it to be a bit more complicated than this and was left a bit unsure of what to do other than try not to interfere with the interview.

Interview II

My Interview

This being my second interview, I had been able to get through it much easier. The interview itself went smoothly and I had been able to get more than enough footage for the interview fairly easily. Now that I have more experience in Final Cut I had been able to easily and efficiently assemble the clips and add B-roll without occupying too much time on repetitive stuff with the editing such as cropping b-roll & selecting desired clips.

Being Interviewed

This time around my experience had been quite different than before. I hadn't received direction as to where to try to face during the interview from my group so I ended up facing a bit too far to the left. While Sarina had interviewed me, Adam while filming had jumped in with his unique, unorthodox interview questions to add some humor while we had been filming. This had helped to break the somewhat awkwardness of being on camera. 

Filming an Interview

This interview had proved a bit more demanding for filming than in the first interview. The spot we had been working at had proved difficult to deal with the lighting as the sunlight had over exposed and discolored Sarina's face requiring me to tweek the lighting ever so slightly in order to get it right. During filming, we had some birds start their calls so I was forced to stop the shoot for a minute while we waited for the birds to quite down. I have not received the interview at this moment.

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