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Mid Term Week
Scene Critic: Tarring the Factory Roof- Shawshank Redemption

This scene from The Shawshank Redemption begins with a camera following a bucket being hoisted up a rope before being passed to workers and then the camera pans to follow the workers carrying the bucket. This is the first continuous shot of the scene and reveals the setting of the scene up on the license plate factory roof as well as the hard work that lay ahead of the convicts as they tarred the roof. While the convicts move their tar mops a squelchy sound effect had been added to provide more depth to the tarring the prisoners had

been doing. As their work continued Hadley had begun to discussion he would be recieving an inheritance from his brother that had died. As he discussed this, the camera angle would switch between Hadley's discussion with the guards and the prisoners who while at work began to pause and listen in on Hadley's discussion. The protagonist of the, Andy Dufrense, who was a banker before he had become imprisoned, had abandoned his work and walked towards Hadley. When he approached, one of the guards cocked his gun and pointed it at Andy as the camera switched back to the rest of the prisoners to reveal their surprise to the sound of the gun cock sound effect. Hadley then began to push Andy towards the edge of the factory roof, as a camera shot moves forward revealing the ground that looms below the factory roof. When Hadley has Andy positioned on the edge of the roof begins one of the most impressive shots of the movie. It is a single shot shot on a boom that begins with a Birdseye view of Hadley about to throw Andy off the roof that begins to lower and rotate down to the two characters once Andy reveals he can help Hadley keep his entire inheritance from his brother. The discussion between Hadley and Andy continues once the single shot ends but goes to a more traditional dialogue with one camera on each actor. Andy had offered to get Hadley's entire inheritance for him if he where to supply his "co-workers" with some beers for his efforts. The scene then changes to reveal the convicts drinking their beers while Morgan Freeman narrates how they could have been free men at this moment. This is the only part of the scene where a score is played that is inspirational and freeing to reflect how the prisoners felt as they drank their beers.

Mid Term Week Work

     With my partners tied up in projects that I was not part of, I had been unable to film anything during the week. I had been able to plan out future projects to work on once I had help to work on them.

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