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News Story

Katelyn, Sarina, Stephen, & I had done our news piece on the productions Titanic: Trial & Tragedy. Our work began with planning what interview's we would need for the news piece as well as what shots we would need for the piece as well as what B-roll should be added. We then scheduled interviews with the people who we needed to as we planned out locations for the interview's and interview questions. For the interviews we had scheduled them With Jim Raposa: teacher of theater and theater tech, Paul Molinelli: teacher of design and set designer, and Casey Mara: the production stage manager. Before the interview's, we had gone early to set up our cameras & lights before the Interviewee was due to arrive. In the interviews. Filming the interviews had gone well as Katelyn had done the interviews and the rest of us worked as crew manning lights and camera. We ended having glass backgrounds in Casey & Jim's interview's which had proved to be problematic with lights and reflections. Perhaps a polorizer filter could have solved this issue but we did not have access to one at the time of the interviews. For Sarina's opening & closing scene, we had filmed it on the marble steps outside the Riley Center. This proved to be a difficult spot to film as we had vehicle's going by every few seconds which meant that we would have to wait for a break in traffic before we could actually start filming. We had been eventually able to get a few breaks in the traffic and Sarina had been able to deliver a good opener and closing for our news piece. Editing as a group had proved to be a somewhat more difficult task than anticipated as we could not easily have four people working at once on the editing process, so Katelyn had done most of the editing work while the rest of the group had reviewed over what she had done as well as suggest possible edits when we were together as a group. Perhaps if we could streamline the editing process by only having two people work on it at a time or find a way to spread the editing across the four of us while still creating a cohesive story would have been more effective. During the editing process, we had decided to drop Casey's interview since we had been able to make the news story more concise without it.

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News Story II

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